Beyond ‘Teal’ – video from Teal Around The World

The video of my session together with Fanny Norlin at Teal Around The World 2023 is now live.

Fanny and I wanted to show how Peter Koenig’s source principles together with her perspective on feminine and masculine leadership can help us go beyond some of the limitations of the popular “Teal” paradigm of modern organising from our brilliant friend Frederic Laloux.

We were asked to start the session by telling the story of how Fanny and I started working together, but things really came alive when we got into the amazing questions and reflections from the folks who showed up. I feel like the tide has finally turned and people inspired by modern, more decentralised ways of working are ready to integrate the perspective of source in a way that was very difficult a few years ago. It’s massively important for those who wish to transcend old-school command-and-control hierarchies and bring forth the creative ability and energy of everyone.