Training: Learning about embodied authority

I’m excited about attending this two day training programme with the brilliant Elizabeth Lovius on Oct 6 & 7. My reason for going is to learn more about embodied authority. To me this means when you know – with your whole body – what it is that you need to create in the world. It’s when your gut, heart and mind are all open and clear about realising an idea that’s uniquely yours and you have the passion to see it through.

I know from my own journey as a founder and the dozens of other founders I’ve interviewed and directly worked with over the years how important this is. It’s so easy to invest yourself in a project for years without having a deeper connection to it. I learnt that lesson the hard way and I’m curious to learn more about how founders can operate from a deep authority to realise big ideas.

The two day training session should be a fascinating day for leaders. There are still one or two more places left on the course. It would be great to see a familiar face or two there so check out the website and sign up if you feel called to do so.